Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April Meet-up Springs Much Surprises and Joy

BANGALORE, APRIL 9: The monthly meet-up Of the Karnataka Ring 177 was held at The Magic Space this Sunday, the 8th of April. The meeting was well attended By IBM members and guest magicians from Bangalore, Ooty, and Chennai.

This month's IBM Ring 177 meet-up brought some interesting performances, teach-in and sharing sessions, a magic lecture, and a surprise guest.

The meeting was presided by Nakul Shenoy, the Ring Vice President, who called the meeting to order and presented the monthly IBM related updates and news. The aspect of increasing the membership, especially by drawing in young and newer magicians was discussed, and the need for the newer bunch to take on the mantle as Ring Officers was highlighted.

The first lecture of the evening was a presentation by HA Jayasimha. Jayasimha is a successful entreprenuer and conducts workshops on personality development, where he utilises magic as a tool to communicate the ideas.

Jayasimha shared some of his trademark routines and explained his thoughts on how to integrate a message into a magic act to communicate the same effectively.

This was followed by an open trick session were the members and guests in attendance presented a motley of their favourite effects. The performers included Sanjay Subramanyam, Kartik, Karun Krishna, Vikram Shetty and MD Kowshik. Some of the acts also adhered to the monthly theme of April Fools / Sucker Effects.

Srikanth VC, as part of his session on history of magic presented an interesting set of thoughts to the plausible first instance where the illusion of a woman being cut in half was presented -- tracing it to the Indian epic Ramayana, where Indrajit performs an mass-illusion where he shows Sita cut in two parts.

That was the cue for our surprise guest to make his entrance. Rakesh Syam, who was back in Bangalore on a break from his cruise line performances amazed the gathering with his irrepressible card miracles.

Rakesh also shared his experiences of being on disaster-struck David Sandy magic cruise, and spoke highly of all the magicians who were a part of that never-to-be-forgotten experience.

Rakesh closed with his fabulous card memory effect, where he recounts the cards in a fully shuffled pack, first by colors and then by their suits and values.

The impressive meet-up was brought to a close with Nakul Shenoy presenting a small lecture on sucker effects, and sharing insights to presenting a mind mystery as a sucker effect, with a power punch.

The meeting closed with most participants looking forward to catching up at the forthcoming Great Indian Festival of Magic on May 11-13 in Bangalore.

Note: No meeting will be held at The Magic Space on Sunday the 13th of May, as most members would be busy attending the Great Indian Festival of Magic.